In 2017 some social media platforms brought small & interesting updates with greater impact.
While not an exhaustive list but here are FIVE changes which I feel can't go unmentioned and can be celebrated by marketers — as well leveraged in 2018 and beyond.

- Facebook Stories for Pages (encouraging brand to share original content more often)
- Instagram rolls out the “paid partnership with” tag (enhancing transparency & credibility in Influencer Marketing)
- LinkedIn bringing in Lead generation ads (already been helpful to marketers lower their average cost per lead by more than 20% — something that’s certainly worth considering in 2018)
- LinkedIn Video Post (a complete rejoice to B2B marketers)
- Twitter doubles its character count (would it really help them overcome its slow death. Rather I believe if it switches its focus to be more of a Celebrity platform magic might happen)
As the old adage goes, the only constant is change—and I can certainly expect that to hold true to the social media landscape in 2018.
Do share what you feel marketers can leverage on this year!